
Sick... as in awesome!

So E was not feeling well last week.  I decided that since he was too sick to eat my food there MUST be a real problem.  We headed to see his pediatrician.  Turns out he had a virus, and there was nothing to do.....  except miss school and hang out with me for the day.  Now, the doctor said he could have gone back to school, but sometimes when you don't feel well, and you already think you might get to miss a day of school and get a little TLC, it is REALLY hard to go back.  So, I exercised my mom veto power and said "no mas!"  You and I... we gonna get better!

What else says I love you and I am sorry you feel sick, than a good ole' pedicure?  Nothing!  So, bless his heart - he sat beside me in a big, comfy massage chair and we got our toes all pedicured.  I tell you, sometimes the only solution to life's problems come when your getting your feet rubbed.

 See - he looks better already!

Then I took him home and made him some split pea soup - it is not gross, I promise, I make it with milk and it is soooo good.  Look how happy he is, and he is sick - it is that delish!

Then, we decided that we wouldn't really be sick if we didn't eat our body weight in lozenges and drink ginger ale until we were ready to explode.  He was of course sworn to secrecy.  All in all, our sick day turned out..... pretty sick.... as in awesome!

Our meds! -
(Don't even talked to me about that Tylenol cold and sore throat in the front.  It will KNOCK you out!!  That is a whole nother lengthy post my friend!!)

Don't feel too bad for the other three - they had dental appointments later that day and got to miss school and have some treats too - See, we share the love!

Meet Fredward - our sick Elf!
This guy can really party like a rock star!... and I have the photos to prove it!

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