
OK...Maybe I am not meant for these duties!

Maybe it is time for me to get a better duty!  Sometimes no matter what I make for dinner or how cute my apron, I cannot win.  It is like casting pearls before swine.  I LOVE to cook and bake and sift and souffle.  So, I try on occasion to enrich my children's palates.  It usually goes like this....

What IS that..... an onion...an animal tooth? 
Mine is NOT like his! 
Do I HAVE to eat this? 
Is there anything else? 
How'bout pizza....Can we have pizza instead?

And to that I say...... No, it is a tiny shred of cheese!..... YES it is!........YES, it is your dinner........No - please eat.......somebody stole all the pizza! 

Then I sit down, eat EVERY ONES food - since they will not touch it, since they are convinced that I put animal teeth in the food, and since they are little and really don't care to eat anything with color in it - only white food.  White food = bread, cereal, crackers, milk, noodles, yogurt, chips, chicken, butter, potatoes, buns, vanilla ice cream - you get the point.

So.... it is no surprise that on occasion, when I am feeling like maybe I am not meant for these duties anymore, I turn to my friend.... Nacho Libre - and he always leaves me feeling better, because at least I don't have it that bad. 

Señor Ramon: What is this?
Nacho: Leftovers. Enjoy.
Señor Ramon: There is no flavor. There are no spices. Where are the chips?
Nacho: Somebody stole them.
Señor Ramon: Did you not tell them that they were the Lord's chips?
Nacho: I was trying to!
Señor Ramon: You are useless Ignacio!
Elderly Monk: Silence brothers! This is the worst lunch I ever had.
Señor Ramon: Your only job is to cook. Do you not realize I have had diarrhea since Easters?
Nacho: OK... Maybe I am not meant for these duties. Cooking duty. Dead guy duty. Maybe it's time for me to get a better duty!

Little L eating some of her favorite white food...pancakes!

The good thing to remember is... I could be wearing turquoise sweat pants that are way too small, and have to wrestle (big people instead of little people) to make money.  So tonight when I serve leftovers, I will think of Nacho and smile as I am peppered with questions of what in the world are you feeding us now woman?

E and A in their Luchadore masks

A little note on the leftovers... a great thing about Sunday Roast is that, more often than not...you do have leftovers!  I love to fry up the left over mashed potatoes as a side, make a fresh little salad and then add some home made BBQ sauce to the leftover beef and serve it on a warm bun.  Ta Da!  Super easy and pretty unoffensive to most people, not to mention, way yummy!

OH MY LAND!  As I am typing this, Mr Anderson is watching the outdoor channel about albino "coons" or the term you and I might be more familiar with...raccoons.  I am not even kidding you - who even knew they existed?  Oh wait, they just answered my question - 2% of raccoons are albino's.  Thank goodness I found that out.  So, there are two guys, out in the dark, trying to catch this albino raccoon.  Their plan.... let the raccoon attack them, then they can grab him.  Man, I wish I was as smart as them!  They are so pumped up!  Those guys are living examples of loving your duties - no matter what they may be!  I am inspired!  You?

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