
Catholic Babies

When A was a little boy (much younger than now) and Little L was just a wee baby, A was convinced that he wanted to marry me - like all little boys do.  That sounds wrong - I mean to say all little boys want to marry their mommies.  That's better...

A could not be deterred, and honestly, to this day, he is still pretty attached to his mama.  That being said... One lovely day,  his two older siblings C and E, seemingly annoyed at A's persistence in wanting to marry me, decided to break the news.  They preceded to tell him that it is "forbidden" to marry your mother.  A, was clearly shocked and devastated by this news.  Looking up at me with his big blue eyes he questioned me as to whether or not this was indeed true.  Have you seen this kids eyes - he kills me!

I had to tell him - "kind of"...  and it broke my heart, because all little boys should be able to believe they can marry their moms if they want to.  When you are little, I believe you can marry whomever you want.  One day, you grow up and no longer want the same things you did when you were 3, and it is all good.  Still, I wanted to let him down easily. 

A, being the most precocious of my children, had a million questions.  All of which began with "But why?"  I gave a plethora of reasons, but the one that finally ended all of the questioning was this.... Very gently I stated that if  he was to marry someone whose DNA was too close to his own (like his mother), he could end up having handicapped children.  I assumed (which according to Mr Anderson Sr. only makes and a** out of U and ME) that he understood me and all my reasons in their entirety.  After all, I am pretty good at explaining things to little people - they are on my level!

I was not correct in that assumption.  Here is what I hear in the back seat of the car..... a couple of YEARS later.

Little L: Do I have to get married when I grow up?

A: Yes!

Me: No sweetheart - you don't... but when grow up you might change your mind about that - and that's OK too.

Little L: Do you only get to go to Hawaii if you're married?

A: Yes!

Me: No sweetheart, you can go to Hawaii even if you are not married.

Mr. Anderson:  I will take you to Hawaii anytime - you don't have to get married if you don't want to. (aren't daddies great?)

Little L:  I am gonna marry Daddy

A:  No! You can't!

Little L: Yes I can!

A:  No, trust me - you will have Catholic babies! (said with as much fervor as a little boy could muster)

So for all of these years A thought being handicapped meant being Catholic.  I wonder who else he told that to?  No wonder people give me dirty looks up at the school.  They probably think I am spreading hate.

 As a parent, I sometimes presume that my children's minds are more mature than they really are.  They may be as smart as a whip, but some things, apparently get lost in translation.  Bless A's little heart - and bless all those Catholic babies.

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