
Dang it Mr. Anderson

Mr Anderson has left us for greener pastures.  Literally, he is in the land of Ire or as normal people may refer to it.... Ireland.  I guess I should clarify that he has not really left us, he is "working"- but nonetheless he is gone.  That being said, everything that goes wrong is blamed on his absence.  Let me explain some of the wrongs that have resulted purely due to his absence.  He is missed, and when you miss someone, you think of them more often than when you don't, right?  No biggie, except that every little thought I have of Mr Anderson leads me to CRAVING something green and minty. What is wrong with me? I made these delectable peppermint brownies (see recipe below).  

I later drove 6 miles to Central Market to buy an Aero bar (if you are north of the 49th parallel you know what I am talking about)

and NOW I just got back from Walgreen's (walGREENS - coincidence? I think not) and I bought another green, minty delight...
Fannie May Mint Meltaway! All in the SAME day mind you!

I think I have a problem, and somehow I have conveniently managed to justify it by placing blame on poor Mr. Anderson.  After all, he IS somewhere far, far away in a place that has some connection in my mind to the color green and chocolaty mint...which apparently has the power to break down all and any self control I have related to sweet things with mint in them.

I am sure that upon Mr. Anderson's return, he would rather his trip to the land of Ire resulted in me craving to look like this Ireland (Kathy) instead of stuffing myself silly with minty treats, resulting in me looking as large as the land of Ire.  I am convinced that whatever C.S Lewis' White Witch put in her Turkish delight was somehow slipped into all the chocolate and mint products in the world.  I'm gonna look into that!

Seriously? I think this picture would be MUCH better if Kath (we're are close like that) was eating Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream...
Come on, Let's bake!

Triple layer Chocolate Mint Brownies

The Brownie Layer
2 (1 oz) squares of unsweetened chocolate
1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
3/4 cup flour
2 eggs, slightly beaten
Mix butter and choc over low heat.  Mix flour and sugar.  Add eggs and vanilla.  Pour into greased 9x9x2 inch pan.  Bake @ 350 for 20 Min's.  Cool.
The Mint Frosting layer
1 1/2 cup powdered sugar
2 Tbsp. butter, soft
2 Tbsp heavy cream or milk
3/4 tsp peppermint flavoring
green food coloring
Combine ingredients and beat till smooth.  spread over cooked brownie.  chill till firm.

The Chocolate Glaze layer
4 oz German Chocolate squares
2 Tbsp Crisco
1 tsp vanilla

Melt the chocolate and Crisco in a bowl in the microwave on high for 1 min.  Stir till smooth.  Stir in vanilla.  Spread over frosting.
Put back in the fridge and after 15 min. cut into little squares while the chocolate is still a little soft -- otherwise if it hardens, it will crack and if you are OCD you will eat off all the cracked pieces of chocolate and have to start over again - just trust me on that one.

Happy Baking!
 I will post a pic of aforementioned brownies later - since all the evidence of them existing has disappeared...oops!

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