
It's beginning to look a lot like....

CHRISTMAS!!!  What is not to love?... the cool weather, the warm drinks, the cool minty flavors in everything from chocolate to ice cream, the warm lights, the cool gadgets, the warm baked goods... here is a little glimpse of what "Le Famille Anderson" has been doing to enjoy the loveliness that is Christmas! 

Sweet little L planted, watered and loved this tiny amaryllis bulb.  It all paid off this week as the blooms finally popped open!  She is so proud of herself, as I am.  It is good to see that someone in the family has a green thumb like daddy!

We have acquired a very naughty elf who has been with our family for a few years....however, I think he may suffer a tragic accident this year.  I don't know - it's just a feeling I have.  I hope am not wrong about that.  If you have one of these lovely mystical beings on your shelf, you know what I am talking about! Bloody Elf!

           We went to the tree farm and picked out our tree.  It was rainy and miserable, but once we laid eyes on our tree, it was instantly, totally worth it.  The tree was so pretty, that if it wasn't for sweet little L, I wouldn't have decorated it at all.  I'm just sorry it will not live to see another Christmas.  We then had to put up our stockings and kiss baby Jesus!

       We managed to take a decent Christmas card photo - and no one got into a fight, needed stitches or threatened to run away!  Who could have known that taking a family picture could be so detrimental to ones family and health?

We made cookies - and ate cookies on our Naughty napkins.  Although being naughty is not something we should aspire to, I do find that on occasion, a little naughty is not only FUN it is essential to ones well-being!  The proof is in the pudding! PS i am keeping some of those napkins for valentines day.. wink, wink

We drank "THE best hot cocoa in the world!"  Thank you Starbucks for making powdered cocoa that is Divine...

And no prepping for the holidays would be complete without a good ole shopping trip to ye local Target!  I found this darling little acorn made out of mercury glass - Isn't it just so lovely?  I guess there really is something to retail therapy because that little acorn has made me so happy!  Go and get some for your tree - or just one, and you can hold it and be dazzled by it, or tie it on a present you wrap to give yourself someone - you won't regret it... I promise!

T'is the season...

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