
Where's the beef...

au jus?

Do you ever have those days when you just don't want to get out of bed?  Or your pjs'?  Or even run a brush through your hair?  Lets just be honest - putting any effort into the day is NOT something you feel any motivation to do.  Usually it is a cold, overcast and drizzly day.  On those such days I love to get the kids off to school, put some beef in the crock pot and climb back into my bed.  I may fall back to sleep or I may curl up with one of the many books on the night stand just waiting in a cue to be read or I may just stare out the window (as I imagine Van Gogh did) and contemplate life.... with all of the aforementioned options including a ridiculously large bowl of Oreo cookies & cream ice cream.

Makes me happy just seeing my bed!

Fortunately I am a stay at home mom and have that luxury (on occasion) -Thanks to Mr. Anderson, to take the day off should I choose.  It is something that happens just a few times a year - because, as a mom, you just can't take the day off.  The wheels come off pretty quickly when the momma checks out.  Not to mention - with 4 kiddos, if I let a day or two go without doing my duties it is VERY hard to catch up!

Anyway, should you find yourself so lucky as to get to take the day off - this is the perfect way to finish the day and have your family still love you (and you don't feel nearly as guilty) because.... there is FOOD!  Plus your house is filled with the warm smell of food that has been cooking all day - I love that smell!


I don't know what it is about beef dip?... maybe it is the little bowl of au jus we get all to ourselves to dip our sandwich in that makes one feel special - but whatever it is - it causes us to eat this meal very quietly... I have learned that when people really like your food, they stop talking and just eat.  I think their taste buds are overwhelmed with flavors so they forget about everything else - including the au jus running down their chin.

Now, you don't need to wait for a day off to make this, but if you should get the day off, well, aren't you lucky!

Beef Dip

  • 1 whole 2.5 To 4 Pound Chuck Roast
  • ¼ cups Butter
  • 1 whole Large Onion, Sliced Thick
  • 3 cloves Garlic, Peeled
  • ½ cups Soy Sauce
  • 1 cup Sherry (cooking Sherry Is Fine)
  • ½ teaspoons Salt
  • 4 cups Water
  • Toasted, Buttered Deli Rolls
  • OPTIONAL: Rosemary, Thyme, Other Spices

FYI - I saute the onions in the butter, dump them into my crock pot, THEN put everything else in and turn it on low for 8 hrs - it has always turned out amazing.  I like to serve this on chewy rolls with Havarti cheese and sauteed mushrooms (the little people over don't like the mushrooms and I understand).  I strain the liquid and there you have your au jus all ready to get dipped.

 *Below is what the pioneer woman does - she is amazing!
Heat butter in a heavy pot over medium-high heat. Saute the onions for a couple of minutes, or until starting to get brown.
Set chuck roast on top of the onions. Add all remaining ingredients. Cover pot and simmer (very low heat) on the stove for 6 hours, or until beef is fork-tender and falling apart. **If meat is not yet tender, return to oven for 30 minute intervals till it’s tender!** Shred meat with two forks until all large chunks are gone. Serve immediately or continue to simmer for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
*Mixture can be refrigerated overnight. Remove hardened fat from top of pan before reheating.
Serve on top of toasted, buttered deli rolls. Top with cheese and place under the broiler if desired.

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