

I was born under the sign of Capricorn and in the year of the Tiger!  I am an earth sign and very grounded.  In color ratings... I am a yellow - and what do you know? I am wearing a yellow sweater today.  I am very proud of those things - even though I really had no power or influence over any of them. 

Mr. Anderson may not always be a fan of the Capricorn-Tiger-yellow way, but he has been a good sport over the past 17 in a half years that we have been married and I am convinced he could not survive without me.  Now, however awesome the whole yellow-goat/fish-tiger thing is, apparently, in the eyes of some, it is just not enough. 

According to 2 really cute little boys under the age of 12, those things don't matter, because I am officially only one thing in their eyes.  I am.... OLD-ISH - hence the lovely candles they picked out for me.

I have struggled to admit it, but the proof is in the pudding.  I am (what over 60% of the population would consider) old. 

In fact, I am so old-ish that I am officially only 2 years away from FORTY!  What?  How?  I know, right?  I am in shock too.  Statistically, I am closer to my death, than I am to my birth.  I can remember my parents being 40..... and I am no where as old as I remember them being, right?.... but yet, here I stand.... all 38 (almost 40) years of me.

As old as it sounds at this moment - I still feel quite young-ish.  In fact, I don't really think I feel any older today than I did at 28.  Age is an interesting thing.

Now, one of the many beauties of being old-ish is that you have some lots of experience in this journey of life.  That experience provides you with a depth and understanding that those really young-ish people don't yet have. 

Like.... it is not good to eat a whole bundt cake... by your self.... even on your birthday.... and even if there is a whole nother one you can share with the rest of the family....but since you are so close to death, you might as well just eat up!

I find that I appreciate things a lot more as an old-ish person than I did as a young-ish person.  Which I kind of feel bad about - I really wanted to be appreciative of more things.  I wonder why life is like that?  Sometimes it takes a old-ish yellow-tiger-goat YEARS for that total appreciation to fully set in.

I did have a very lovely 38th Birthday.  In fact I don't know that it could have been nicer.  I feel very fortunate to have the family I have and the friends that I have.  I was spoiled and remembered and phoned and loved - I almost feel undeserving of such thoughtfulness and consideration. 

Lastly, on this birthday of mine, I will share 38 bits wisdom in honor of the 38 years I have been alive.  Pay attention children of mine, here is my advice to you....

 Adam and Lauren are more interested in spraying me with water from their trick camera and trick ring.  Despite their need to torture me with smelling gross things and play tricks on me.... constantly.... I sure like those little people!

Lauren (who is dressed as an adorable tiger today in Cale's Halloween costume mind you, that I made over a decade ago) turned the water on her brother (who for the past 2 months never seems to have a shirt on and always seems to have la crosse shorts on.... I will post about that tomorrow) - so I am now safe to proceed with my advice that they are clearly not listening to.

don't be mean
don't be afraid to cry
get dirty
Love your enemies
leave others better than you find them
be kind
be really kind
remember who you are and where you came from
talk to your parents more
eat sugar - I am convinced it makes you sweet
own a pet
keep playing in the rain - you won't melt
take naps outside
jump on every trampoline you come in contact with
hug your siblings
smell the roses and the pansy's
grow something
go to church
Believe in yourself
be pretty on the inside
keep a journal
read it, over watching it
eat real popcorn - no micro waving
travel - even if just to the other side of town
kindness is contagious - pass it on
be grateful always - say thank you
be helpful
dance with your mom
dance some more
appreciate the simple things
eat peanut butter from a spoon
turn off the screens and talk face to face
hand write a letter once in a while
be a soft place to fall

Happy Birthday 38 year old me!

I kind of like being 38 - even if it puts me that category of OLD-ISH.

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