
Well Woman?

It is that time of year for me that all women love - "Well Women Check-up" time.  Why do they call it that?  It is such an odd name, not to mention a little misleading.  Really, if a person is "well" why go to the doctor just to have them tell you how well you are?  It would make sense to go ONLY if you are sick or can't move, or breathe, or possibly bleeding a lot?  I mean, you never hear anyone yell "Call a doctor, this women is really well! - They really need to have a look at her!"  I think they should just be honest and call it "holding up a mirror" visit.   

I sure did NOT feel well when I was standing on the scale in the doctors office in a very busy and very public hallway - watching the nice lady continue to push the lever up and up and up.... and I sure didn't feel well when they wanted to double check it since it was very different from the last time I was in. 

Anyway, you can imagine how "well" my well woman check made me feel for the rest of the day?  Oh - you can't?  I will share.... I felt so "well" about that new number on the scale that I ate way more cheesecake than a sensible person should ever eat in their ENTIRE lifetime.  Good thing I am not sensible.

The moral of the story... don't go to the doctor!

Go to the bakery - It not only makes one fell well, but also very happy and content for pretty much the whole day!

Speaking of bakeries, this one is my fave!

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