
Polar Bear Swim?

Texas is AWESOME for hundreds of reasons, and I could show you tons of bumper stickers to articulate that exact thought, but today I will highlight just one.... The family swimming pool.  If you live down here in God's country you either have a pool in your back yard or else access to a pool.  Luckily, we are the former! 

For the past 4 years our family has had the tradition during Christmas break of  "A Polar Bear Swim!"  It is always really exhilarating!  There are sometimes tears if someone gets pushed in by a loving sibling or father before they are ready, but mostly there are pig squeals and chattering smiles.  I am convinced this is how I will die one day - but for now, it makes me feel... alive and super cool in my children's eyes!  I am not sure why, but I get the biggest cheers and most positive reinforcement - I think they are secretly trying to force me into having cardiac arrest - but that is another story.

Anyway..... This year we got really lucky (or I got really dumb) - I am going with lucky!  Somehow I luckily ended up heating up not just the hot tub - but THE WHOLE ENTIRE POOL.  Sorry Mr. Anderson.... that is going to be a big ugly gas bill.

That said, I forced encouraged the family make the most of it and stay outside in the pool until we turned into prunes as to prove that it was in fact such a genius idea to heat the pool (plus it eased the guilt, if I felt we got our money's worth).  As you can imagine, this years Polar Bear Swim was the most pleasant one to date and we even got Grandma in there (which is saying a lot since she is allergic to water under 100 degrees).  See, sometimes mistakes turn out to be blessings?!

I hope when that gas bill comes Mr Anderson remembers what a blessing I am!

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