
I had a dream...

and it was very scary!  I don't know if it is a coincidence that it is MLK jr. day and when I think of him on this day I think of his "I had a dream" speech (which is a very good speech, if I do say so myself).... I don't know. 

What I do know is that I NEVER remember my dreams!  However, I remembered this one!  Really, it is a rare day in the Anderson household when I can share where my mind was wandering while I was sleeping.   

Anyway, I think that this may have contributed....

So the other night I took cute Eric and his cute friend to see the new Mission Impossible movie.  BTW - weird as Tom Cruise may be in real life... he is still awesome in movies!  There were lots of stunts, action, guns, fighting, car chases and all of that good stuff that makes for a nail biting experience (I finished my whole bag of popcorn and don't even remember taking a bite - that is how intently I was watching).  I do remember I had to cover my eyes a couple of times I was so scared.... I am kind of a baby that way - I HATE to be scared.  In fact Mr. Anderson can tell you some really good stories about scaring me (all the while not meaning too) so badly that burst into tears of relief when I realize I am OK.  Anyway, I think that movie got into my head.

The Scary Dream......

Mr. Anderson was of course out of town and I was home alone with the 4 kiddos.  It was a dark night.  A moonless night.  I had just checked on kids - they were all silently sleeping.  Content with what I saw, I headed towards my bedroom, turning off the lights as I went, looking forward to getting to bed at a decent hour.  Out of nowhere came the feeling someone was watching me.  I quickly dismissed it - my mind plays tricks on me all the time.  I continued my bedtime routine and had the feeling again.  I grabbed my phone and called Mr. Anderson.  He reassured me by explaining statistics to me (which it totally what he would do).  I crawl under my covers with my cell phone in hand and drift off.... I am not sure how long I was asleep before I am woken up by a loud bang.  I call out and no one answers.  I hear foot steps and call out again - no answer.  At this point all my earlier fears come rushing back and I know someone is in the house... and I know that they are bad - don't ask me how, it was just a feeling.  I am panicked - I run and get Mr. Anderson's gun that he has shown me how to use, but of course I have forgotten EVERYTHING he ever taught me and cannot remember how to even put the clip in - which let's face it, is pretty simple.  I am fumbling with the gun when I see a dark shadow enter the room.  Just as the shadow starts heading toward me I drop the gun and I wake up... thank goodness! 

I have never been so glad to look over and see Mr Anderson beside me.  I HATE those kind of dreams.  I snuggled up next to his sleeping body and tried to fall back asleep, but afraid I will fall back into the dream.  You know the kind of dreams you can have, that you are so glad they were dreams when you wake up?  Our brains are amazing.  As much as I complain that I never had dreams.... maybe that is a good thing?

On a side note.... I bought a Japanese orange tree - Isn't is beautiful?  Here's hoping I dream of oranges tonight!

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