
No shoes, No shirt, No service

Ladies and Gentleman.... Adam Anderson - with a shirt on.... for now. 

Recently, I have noticed that Adam has made a shift in how he feels about clothing. I am afraid he has decided that shirts are over rated. I am happy that it is shirts over pants - but nonetheless... I am going to have to intervene. I cannot keep a shirt on this kid.

So, here are some random photos that I have taken recently - Keep in mind everyone else in the house is fully clothed.  In fact, I myself, usually have LAYERS on - but yet, I am hard pressed to find a photo where Adam has even one layer on.

Just chill'in at home after school - no shirt!

Boxing with his brother.  Dude, where's your shirt?

Ringing in the New Year with PF Changs and the fam - no shirt!

Maybe it's genetic?  When Cale was little he went through a phase where he didn't like clothes either.  In fact, he was most comfortable with nothing but his power ranger underwear on.  I would use this as a litmus test for how comfortable he was.  The more clothing he had on, the more uncomfortable he was.  The more comfortable he became, the more clothing he took off.  As you can imagine... this made for interesting trips to the park, and play dates... especially if it was a favorite park or at the home of a really good friend.

At home, as you might imagine, forget about it, he NEVER had clothes on.  If we had been out, the second we walked in the door, he would take off his shoes (totally fine), socks (that's OK too), pants (now we are crossing a line) and then his shirt (totally awkward now) and play the rest of day in just underwear....even if he or we had company.  I am not sure why this became his routine, but we didn't want to make him feel bad, and it was kind of cute... so we didn't say anything.... for awhile.  We looked forward to the times when he would play in his underwear because we knew he was content and comfy.  Once he got older we clearly had to break him of the habit - it took some effort, but eventually, he stopped disrobing based on comfort level.  We are still working on Adam....

Anyway, in the future, should you see any of my children without a shirt or pants on - just know that they are not nut burgers, they are just happy and clearly really comfortable.

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