
I'm bringing spanking back!

I LOVE Justin Timberlake!  Almost as much as I love my children.  So, it is no wonder his influence appears in my life in all kinds of interesting ways.  If you are a fan, you might be aware of some of his music.  He is known for singing a lovely little ditty where he sings of "bringing sexy back".  I was not aware that it ever left, but nonetheless, he is very talented.  I have a hunch that his talent has worn off onto me....  I will explain.

In the car on the way home from Church, 3 of the 4 children were being especially.... naughty - as little kiddos can be.  I, the mother was especially...... not in the mood - as mothers can be.  (Sometimes I get like that - it is rare, usually I have the patience of Job - however today, for no particular reason, I did not)

That being said, in my "not in the mood" state, I could only take so much, and after about 10 minutes of pleading with my children to STOP their naughtiness, I proceeded to turn around (don't worry, Mr. Anderson was driving), squint my eyes all mad at them, look as serious as I could, then very slowly open my mouth and surprise myself by saying....

I. am. bringing. spanking. back!

I then quickly turned back around and tried really hard to keep a straight face as they all made fun of me and quipped how what I said sounded like Justin Timberlake lyrics.  I am not sure where that even came from?  But I had to admit they were right - especially when Mr. Anderson joined the childrens mocking of me by agreeing with ALL the comparisons the kids were making AND... he doesn't even listen to Justin Timberlake - shame.

Anyways, I am currently working on some lyrics - I will post the song one day... it is sure to be a hit!  Then we will see who is laughing.  :)

All is not lost, for I discovered long ago, that when I have run out of Jobs patience and I am in the mood of  being "not in the mood" for ridiculousness, baked goods sure help a girl in getting through .... so the family (read: I) ate a lot of these today.

If you find yourself in the mood for a little "serenity now", here is the recipe....

Hello Dolly's
Bake @ 350 for 30 min
1/4 cup butter (melted)
1 cup graham wafer crumbs
1 cup coconut
1 cup chocolate chips
(I prefer milk chocolate over the semi-sweet for everything)
1 cup eagle brand milk
Arrange in layers; in order given - in a 9x13 pan (do not stir and do not pick any of the chocolate chips out like I do or else you end up with not enough chocolate in the finished product, and that is just.... a very sad thing)

Way easy and really chewy and chocolaty and they have COCONUT in them!  I hope one day to be buried in Coconut!  Bon Appetit!

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