
It has come to this...

I don't know that I could have ever predicted that this is what my life would be reduced to....  As a parent you know to expect good days and bad.  You expect to deal with their owie's and joys, their disappointments and accomplishments, their tears, teasing and fighting.  That is just life with little people.  As sweet and cute as they can be.... as lovable and enjoyable.... as smart and as kind... we embrace it all - and in the end, we are better people having loved and lived with our children. 

That being said, today kind of caught me off guard, but being the parent I had no choice - I had to face it head on.  If ever I expected my boys to one day marry and actually have their proposals accepted, I needed to nip this in the butt - no pun intended.

So, here I sit.  With all of this creative energy inside of me... with all of these ideas.... with all of these potential projects on the horizon... this is what I got to make today?  I present to you.....

The Flatulence Jar

Maybe it is because the boys out number the girls 2:1 in this house?  Maybe it is because of my cooking?  Maybe there is a lesson in this for me?  I guess at the end of the day the reason doesn't really matter.  The rules are simple...

1. You may not let one rip if you are within 12 feet of another human being.

2.  You may not stop anyone while they are running to get out of the 12 foot range just to make them have to pay.

3.  Once you are outside of the 12 foot zone, you need to wait for 30 seconds before returning.

4.  If you are in a vehicle, tough lucks got ya... you gotta hold it.

5.  If you choose to walk outside of the 12 foot safety zone... you do so at your own risk and at no penalty to the party that was following the rules.

6. If you choose to break any of the above rules 1-4, you must put $1 in the Flatulence Jar.

Thank you and Good night! 

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