
Guess who is getting a contract with Sony Records?


Well, Maybe..... I am still working out some kinks.

I don't mean to sound too full of myself but I have been writing some really amazing songs the past year.  What's even more amazing is that I really am not very musical and most people might even consider me tone deaf.  Sure my parents tried...

I took Ukulele in 6th grade (like all 6th graders mind you)
I took a year of the accordion - I just didn't have the upper body strength to keep up with it.
And when that didn't work out - they signed me up for the organ.
Lastly, I took band in Jr. High and tried very hard to play the flute.  I almost passed out a number of times - you would be shocked how much oxygen loss a person goes through when playing that deadly instrument.  Flute players really should be required to wear helmets.

It may sound weird, but given my German heritage it is totally reasonable to have all of those lovely instruments in my background.

So, such as the tradition of making children play music, I am pleased that all 4 Anderson children play the piano.  I have high hopes that they one day too, can make their own songs and share them with the world. 

Back on track.... thanks to auto tune - you can't even tell I am not a very good singer or that I am completely missing the notes (at least I can't).  I won't bore you will ALL the songs I have written - just my 3 favorites.

Every artist has their "thing" that needs to be in place, aligned or done, in order for them to perform their best.  Because I am so nice and like to help people, I am going to share my "things".  Maybe it will help someone out there.

1.  I only ever do 1 take of a song -There is a reason the sequels are never as good as the originals.

2.  I never write out lyrics - I find it is best when I just let it fly.

3.  I don't look inward or sing about feelings - that stuff is personal.  Instead, I turn to my surroundings for inspiration.

4.  The best songs I have written happened while driving in my car with my kids.  I think with all of the distraction that children and driving provide, it allows your mind to truly open up and you don't even have to think about it.

That is pretty much it.  So before you listen I will give a little back ground on the inspiration for each of my songs...

"Dirty Jobs"
This was actually the first song I ever made.  I won't tell you which child of mine I sang the song about  for.  But basically, someone was being naughty and I was tired of it.  I decided to sing this certain someone a song about the consequences of not being good - which in this case I was giving him 20 jobs to do around the house.


Who doesn't love Chick-fil-a?  It was just on a whim one day.  The kids and I were headed out to get some of their yummy real chicken nuggets and some waffle fries and it just came to me.  I just really think Chick-fil-a is great....  and not just for their food... did you know that they close on Sundays so people can have their day of rest?  They are such nice people and so, this song is for them.


"Digging for Gold"
Cale helped me pick out the name of this one because I could not quite find one that I was happy with.  Sometimes coming up with a name for a song is more difficult than coming up with the song.  Anyway - this song will probably reach a lot of people.  It is something that a lot of people have experienced.... 

I had Adam in the car and we were going to Basketball practice.  Traffic was bad and there were cars everywhere.  I was feeling stressed out that he might be late and that someone might crash into me, but I was managing the stress.  Anyway, we stop at a light and I look over and see a women REALLY picking her nose.  Not a little scratch or rub - but seriously going after it.  She did not care that cars full of people were all around her or that she didn't have a tissue or that maybe she might hurt herself being so aggressive.  Truth be told, she dug until the light turned... and that is a VERY long time.  I kind of felt bad for her and thought that I should offer her some advice.  So, I pulled out my phone and this is what came out....


Hope you enjoy - music videos soon to follow!


It has come to this...

I don't know that I could have ever predicted that this is what my life would be reduced to....  As a parent you know to expect good days and bad.  You expect to deal with their owie's and joys, their disappointments and accomplishments, their tears, teasing and fighting.  That is just life with little people.  As sweet and cute as they can be.... as lovable and enjoyable.... as smart and as kind... we embrace it all - and in the end, we are better people having loved and lived with our children. 

That being said, today kind of caught me off guard, but being the parent I had no choice - I had to face it head on.  If ever I expected my boys to one day marry and actually have their proposals accepted, I needed to nip this in the butt - no pun intended.

So, here I sit.  With all of this creative energy inside of me... with all of these ideas.... with all of these potential projects on the horizon... this is what I got to make today?  I present to you.....

The Flatulence Jar

Maybe it is because the boys out number the girls 2:1 in this house?  Maybe it is because of my cooking?  Maybe there is a lesson in this for me?  I guess at the end of the day the reason doesn't really matter.  The rules are simple...

1. You may not let one rip if you are within 12 feet of another human being.

2.  You may not stop anyone while they are running to get out of the 12 foot range just to make them have to pay.

3.  Once you are outside of the 12 foot zone, you need to wait for 30 seconds before returning.

4.  If you are in a vehicle, tough lucks got ya... you gotta hold it.

5.  If you choose to walk outside of the 12 foot safety zone... you do so at your own risk and at no penalty to the party that was following the rules.

6. If you choose to break any of the above rules 1-4, you must put $1 in the Flatulence Jar.

Thank you and Good night! 

Well Woman?

It is that time of year for me that all women love - "Well Women Check-up" time.  Why do they call it that?  It is such an odd name, not to mention a little misleading.  Really, if a person is "well" why go to the doctor just to have them tell you how well you are?  It would make sense to go ONLY if you are sick or can't move, or breathe, or possibly bleeding a lot?  I mean, you never hear anyone yell "Call a doctor, this women is really well! - They really need to have a look at her!"  I think they should just be honest and call it "holding up a mirror" visit.   

I sure did NOT feel well when I was standing on the scale in the doctors office in a very busy and very public hallway - watching the nice lady continue to push the lever up and up and up.... and I sure didn't feel well when they wanted to double check it since it was very different from the last time I was in. 

Anyway, you can imagine how "well" my well woman check made me feel for the rest of the day?  Oh - you can't?  I will share.... I felt so "well" about that new number on the scale that I ate way more cheesecake than a sensible person should ever eat in their ENTIRE lifetime.  Good thing I am not sensible.

The moral of the story... don't go to the doctor!

Go to the bakery - It not only makes one fell well, but also very happy and content for pretty much the whole day!

Speaking of bakeries, this one is my fave!


I had a dream...

and it was very scary!  I don't know if it is a coincidence that it is MLK jr. day and when I think of him on this day I think of his "I had a dream" speech (which is a very good speech, if I do say so myself).... I don't know. 

What I do know is that I NEVER remember my dreams!  However, I remembered this one!  Really, it is a rare day in the Anderson household when I can share where my mind was wandering while I was sleeping.   

Anyway, I think that this may have contributed....

So the other night I took cute Eric and his cute friend to see the new Mission Impossible movie.  BTW - weird as Tom Cruise may be in real life... he is still awesome in movies!  There were lots of stunts, action, guns, fighting, car chases and all of that good stuff that makes for a nail biting experience (I finished my whole bag of popcorn and don't even remember taking a bite - that is how intently I was watching).  I do remember I had to cover my eyes a couple of times I was so scared.... I am kind of a baby that way - I HATE to be scared.  In fact Mr. Anderson can tell you some really good stories about scaring me (all the while not meaning too) so badly that burst into tears of relief when I realize I am OK.  Anyway, I think that movie got into my head.

The Scary Dream......

Mr. Anderson was of course out of town and I was home alone with the 4 kiddos.  It was a dark night.  A moonless night.  I had just checked on kids - they were all silently sleeping.  Content with what I saw, I headed towards my bedroom, turning off the lights as I went, looking forward to getting to bed at a decent hour.  Out of nowhere came the feeling someone was watching me.  I quickly dismissed it - my mind plays tricks on me all the time.  I continued my bedtime routine and had the feeling again.  I grabbed my phone and called Mr. Anderson.  He reassured me by explaining statistics to me (which it totally what he would do).  I crawl under my covers with my cell phone in hand and drift off.... I am not sure how long I was asleep before I am woken up by a loud bang.  I call out and no one answers.  I hear foot steps and call out again - no answer.  At this point all my earlier fears come rushing back and I know someone is in the house... and I know that they are bad - don't ask me how, it was just a feeling.  I am panicked - I run and get Mr. Anderson's gun that he has shown me how to use, but of course I have forgotten EVERYTHING he ever taught me and cannot remember how to even put the clip in - which let's face it, is pretty simple.  I am fumbling with the gun when I see a dark shadow enter the room.  Just as the shadow starts heading toward me I drop the gun and I wake up... thank goodness! 

I have never been so glad to look over and see Mr Anderson beside me.  I HATE those kind of dreams.  I snuggled up next to his sleeping body and tried to fall back asleep, but afraid I will fall back into the dream.  You know the kind of dreams you can have, that you are so glad they were dreams when you wake up?  Our brains are amazing.  As much as I complain that I never had dreams.... maybe that is a good thing?

On a side note.... I bought a Japanese orange tree - Isn't is beautiful?  Here's hoping I dream of oranges tonight!


No shoes, No shirt, No service

Ladies and Gentleman.... Adam Anderson - with a shirt on.... for now. 

Recently, I have noticed that Adam has made a shift in how he feels about clothing. I am afraid he has decided that shirts are over rated. I am happy that it is shirts over pants - but nonetheless... I am going to have to intervene. I cannot keep a shirt on this kid.

So, here are some random photos that I have taken recently - Keep in mind everyone else in the house is fully clothed.  In fact, I myself, usually have LAYERS on - but yet, I am hard pressed to find a photo where Adam has even one layer on.

Just chill'in at home after school - no shirt!

Boxing with his brother.  Dude, where's your shirt?

Ringing in the New Year with PF Changs and the fam - no shirt!

Maybe it's genetic?  When Cale was little he went through a phase where he didn't like clothes either.  In fact, he was most comfortable with nothing but his power ranger underwear on.  I would use this as a litmus test for how comfortable he was.  The more clothing he had on, the more uncomfortable he was.  The more comfortable he became, the more clothing he took off.  As you can imagine... this made for interesting trips to the park, and play dates... especially if it was a favorite park or at the home of a really good friend.

At home, as you might imagine, forget about it, he NEVER had clothes on.  If we had been out, the second we walked in the door, he would take off his shoes (totally fine), socks (that's OK too), pants (now we are crossing a line) and then his shirt (totally awkward now) and play the rest of day in just underwear....even if he or we had company.  I am not sure why this became his routine, but we didn't want to make him feel bad, and it was kind of cute... so we didn't say anything.... for awhile.  We looked forward to the times when he would play in his underwear because we knew he was content and comfy.  Once he got older we clearly had to break him of the habit - it took some effort, but eventually, he stopped disrobing based on comfort level.  We are still working on Adam....

Anyway, in the future, should you see any of my children without a shirt or pants on - just know that they are not nut burgers, they are just happy and clearly really comfortable.


Where's the beef...

au jus?

Do you ever have those days when you just don't want to get out of bed?  Or your pjs'?  Or even run a brush through your hair?  Lets just be honest - putting any effort into the day is NOT something you feel any motivation to do.  Usually it is a cold, overcast and drizzly day.  On those such days I love to get the kids off to school, put some beef in the crock pot and climb back into my bed.  I may fall back to sleep or I may curl up with one of the many books on the night stand just waiting in a cue to be read or I may just stare out the window (as I imagine Van Gogh did) and contemplate life.... with all of the aforementioned options including a ridiculously large bowl of Oreo cookies & cream ice cream.

Makes me happy just seeing my bed!

Fortunately I am a stay at home mom and have that luxury (on occasion) -Thanks to Mr. Anderson, to take the day off should I choose.  It is something that happens just a few times a year - because, as a mom, you just can't take the day off.  The wheels come off pretty quickly when the momma checks out.  Not to mention - with 4 kiddos, if I let a day or two go without doing my duties it is VERY hard to catch up!

Anyway, should you find yourself so lucky as to get to take the day off - this is the perfect way to finish the day and have your family still love you (and you don't feel nearly as guilty) because.... there is FOOD!  Plus your house is filled with the warm smell of food that has been cooking all day - I love that smell!


I don't know what it is about beef dip?... maybe it is the little bowl of au jus we get all to ourselves to dip our sandwich in that makes one feel special - but whatever it is - it causes us to eat this meal very quietly... I have learned that when people really like your food, they stop talking and just eat.  I think their taste buds are overwhelmed with flavors so they forget about everything else - including the au jus running down their chin.

Now, you don't need to wait for a day off to make this, but if you should get the day off, well, aren't you lucky!

Beef Dip

  • 1 whole 2.5 To 4 Pound Chuck Roast
  • ¼ cups Butter
  • 1 whole Large Onion, Sliced Thick
  • 3 cloves Garlic, Peeled
  • ½ cups Soy Sauce
  • 1 cup Sherry (cooking Sherry Is Fine)
  • ½ teaspoons Salt
  • 4 cups Water
  • Toasted, Buttered Deli Rolls
  • OPTIONAL: Rosemary, Thyme, Other Spices

FYI - I saute the onions in the butter, dump them into my crock pot, THEN put everything else in and turn it on low for 8 hrs - it has always turned out amazing.  I like to serve this on chewy rolls with Havarti cheese and sauteed mushrooms (the little people over don't like the mushrooms and I understand).  I strain the liquid and there you have your au jus all ready to get dipped.

 *Below is what the pioneer woman does - she is amazing!
Heat butter in a heavy pot over medium-high heat. Saute the onions for a couple of minutes, or until starting to get brown.
Set chuck roast on top of the onions. Add all remaining ingredients. Cover pot and simmer (very low heat) on the stove for 6 hours, or until beef is fork-tender and falling apart. **If meat is not yet tender, return to oven for 30 minute intervals till it’s tender!** Shred meat with two forks until all large chunks are gone. Serve immediately or continue to simmer for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
*Mixture can be refrigerated overnight. Remove hardened fat from top of pan before reheating.
Serve on top of toasted, buttered deli rolls. Top with cheese and place under the broiler if desired.


I was born under the sign of Capricorn and in the year of the Tiger!  I am an earth sign and very grounded.  In color ratings... I am a yellow - and what do you know? I am wearing a yellow sweater today.  I am very proud of those things - even though I really had no power or influence over any of them. 

Mr. Anderson may not always be a fan of the Capricorn-Tiger-yellow way, but he has been a good sport over the past 17 in a half years that we have been married and I am convinced he could not survive without me.  Now, however awesome the whole yellow-goat/fish-tiger thing is, apparently, in the eyes of some, it is just not enough. 

According to 2 really cute little boys under the age of 12, those things don't matter, because I am officially only one thing in their eyes.  I am.... OLD-ISH - hence the lovely candles they picked out for me.

I have struggled to admit it, but the proof is in the pudding.  I am (what over 60% of the population would consider) old. 

In fact, I am so old-ish that I am officially only 2 years away from FORTY!  What?  How?  I know, right?  I am in shock too.  Statistically, I am closer to my death, than I am to my birth.  I can remember my parents being 40..... and I am no where as old as I remember them being, right?.... but yet, here I stand.... all 38 (almost 40) years of me.

As old as it sounds at this moment - I still feel quite young-ish.  In fact, I don't really think I feel any older today than I did at 28.  Age is an interesting thing.

Now, one of the many beauties of being old-ish is that you have some lots of experience in this journey of life.  That experience provides you with a depth and understanding that those really young-ish people don't yet have. 

Like.... it is not good to eat a whole bundt cake... by your self.... even on your birthday.... and even if there is a whole nother one you can share with the rest of the family....but since you are so close to death, you might as well just eat up!

I find that I appreciate things a lot more as an old-ish person than I did as a young-ish person.  Which I kind of feel bad about - I really wanted to be appreciative of more things.  I wonder why life is like that?  Sometimes it takes a old-ish yellow-tiger-goat YEARS for that total appreciation to fully set in.

I did have a very lovely 38th Birthday.  In fact I don't know that it could have been nicer.  I feel very fortunate to have the family I have and the friends that I have.  I was spoiled and remembered and phoned and loved - I almost feel undeserving of such thoughtfulness and consideration. 

Lastly, on this birthday of mine, I will share 38 bits wisdom in honor of the 38 years I have been alive.  Pay attention children of mine, here is my advice to you....

 Adam and Lauren are more interested in spraying me with water from their trick camera and trick ring.  Despite their need to torture me with smelling gross things and play tricks on me.... constantly.... I sure like those little people!

Lauren (who is dressed as an adorable tiger today in Cale's Halloween costume mind you, that I made over a decade ago) turned the water on her brother (who for the past 2 months never seems to have a shirt on and always seems to have la crosse shorts on.... I will post about that tomorrow) - so I am now safe to proceed with my advice that they are clearly not listening to.

don't be mean
don't be afraid to cry
get dirty
Love your enemies
leave others better than you find them
be kind
be really kind
remember who you are and where you came from
talk to your parents more
eat sugar - I am convinced it makes you sweet
own a pet
keep playing in the rain - you won't melt
take naps outside
jump on every trampoline you come in contact with
hug your siblings
smell the roses and the pansy's
grow something
go to church
Believe in yourself
be pretty on the inside
keep a journal
read it, over watching it
eat real popcorn - no micro waving
travel - even if just to the other side of town
kindness is contagious - pass it on
be grateful always - say thank you
be helpful
dance with your mom
dance some more
appreciate the simple things
eat peanut butter from a spoon
turn off the screens and talk face to face
hand write a letter once in a while
be a soft place to fall

Happy Birthday 38 year old me!

I kind of like being 38 - even if it puts me that category of OLD-ISH.


I'm bringing spanking back!

I LOVE Justin Timberlake!  Almost as much as I love my children.  So, it is no wonder his influence appears in my life in all kinds of interesting ways.  If you are a fan, you might be aware of some of his music.  He is known for singing a lovely little ditty where he sings of "bringing sexy back".  I was not aware that it ever left, but nonetheless, he is very talented.  I have a hunch that his talent has worn off onto me....  I will explain.

In the car on the way home from Church, 3 of the 4 children were being especially.... naughty - as little kiddos can be.  I, the mother was especially...... not in the mood - as mothers can be.  (Sometimes I get like that - it is rare, usually I have the patience of Job - however today, for no particular reason, I did not)

That being said, in my "not in the mood" state, I could only take so much, and after about 10 minutes of pleading with my children to STOP their naughtiness, I proceeded to turn around (don't worry, Mr. Anderson was driving), squint my eyes all mad at them, look as serious as I could, then very slowly open my mouth and surprise myself by saying....

I. am. bringing. spanking. back!

I then quickly turned back around and tried really hard to keep a straight face as they all made fun of me and quipped how what I said sounded like Justin Timberlake lyrics.  I am not sure where that even came from?  But I had to admit they were right - especially when Mr. Anderson joined the childrens mocking of me by agreeing with ALL the comparisons the kids were making AND... he doesn't even listen to Justin Timberlake - shame.

Anyways, I am currently working on some lyrics - I will post the song one day... it is sure to be a hit!  Then we will see who is laughing.  :)

All is not lost, for I discovered long ago, that when I have run out of Jobs patience and I am in the mood of  being "not in the mood" for ridiculousness, baked goods sure help a girl in getting through .... so the family (read: I) ate a lot of these today.

If you find yourself in the mood for a little "serenity now", here is the recipe....

Hello Dolly's
Bake @ 350 for 30 min
1/4 cup butter (melted)
1 cup graham wafer crumbs
1 cup coconut
1 cup chocolate chips
(I prefer milk chocolate over the semi-sweet for everything)
1 cup eagle brand milk
Arrange in layers; in order given - in a 9x13 pan (do not stir and do not pick any of the chocolate chips out like I do or else you end up with not enough chocolate in the finished product, and that is just.... a very sad thing)

Way easy and really chewy and chocolaty and they have COCONUT in them!  I hope one day to be buried in Coconut!  Bon Appetit!

Polar Bear Swim?

Texas is AWESOME for hundreds of reasons, and I could show you tons of bumper stickers to articulate that exact thought, but today I will highlight just one.... The family swimming pool.  If you live down here in God's country you either have a pool in your back yard or else access to a pool.  Luckily, we are the former! 

For the past 4 years our family has had the tradition during Christmas break of  "A Polar Bear Swim!"  It is always really exhilarating!  There are sometimes tears if someone gets pushed in by a loving sibling or father before they are ready, but mostly there are pig squeals and chattering smiles.  I am convinced this is how I will die one day - but for now, it makes me feel... alive and super cool in my children's eyes!  I am not sure why, but I get the biggest cheers and most positive reinforcement - I think they are secretly trying to force me into having cardiac arrest - but that is another story.

Anyway..... This year we got really lucky (or I got really dumb) - I am going with lucky!  Somehow I luckily ended up heating up not just the hot tub - but THE WHOLE ENTIRE POOL.  Sorry Mr. Anderson.... that is going to be a big ugly gas bill.

That said, I forced encouraged the family make the most of it and stay outside in the pool until we turned into prunes as to prove that it was in fact such a genius idea to heat the pool (plus it eased the guilt, if I felt we got our money's worth).  As you can imagine, this years Polar Bear Swim was the most pleasant one to date and we even got Grandma in there (which is saying a lot since she is allergic to water under 100 degrees).  See, sometimes mistakes turn out to be blessings?!

I hope when that gas bill comes Mr Anderson remembers what a blessing I am!



December 10th 2003 - January 3rd 2012

Today we lost a most loved and loyal friend.  Sadly, we had to put our chocolate lab to sleep.  Not something very easy to do....

He hadn't been himself for a couple of months but we just assumed he was getting older and probably not as agile as he used to be.  He no longer found joy in swimming in the pool or in chasing balls.  He was however, still happy and playful and eating, but something was just off.  So, when he appeared one morning out of the blue to look as if he swallowed a balloon, I worried.  We waited to see if the full tummy thing was him getting into the dog food, but his tummy did not go down.  He seemed less active, but still active.  Then, he stopped eating.  Chance NEVER stops eating.  He does not have that switch.  He would gorge himself, throw up, and keep eating all the while there was food in front of him.  It is in his genetics - those labs are known for putting it down.  I told myself he had just eaten sooo much he had blocked himself up and needed to be taken to the vet for an enema, but inside, I was a little scared.  I knew I should be scared once I saw that he had a hard time getting into the car.

His tummy was not full and blocked up with food - rather it was filled with blood.  He had a tumor on an organ (they narrowed it down to his liver or spleen) that had ruptured and was bleeding into his abdomen.  Blood in the stomach meant one thing.  I was to make a decision the vet said.  I had about 10 minutes to decide if they wanted to try and save his life.  They told me, he would need a blood transfusion before they could operate since he had lost so much blood and they did not know if he would even survive the surgery. 

Would it save him?  that is all I needed to know.... If it will help him and make him better I will do it!  I was told IF he made it through the surgery it would give us a few more days or weeks with him.... maybe a month or two at most.  It was terminal - he was going die.  The vet didn't think that he would live more than a day to two on his own.  He couldn't breathe well due to him tummy being so full and pushing into him diaphragm.  He no longer tried to stand, he just seemed sad and tired.  I knew what needed to be done, and I was a mess....

I have never been more relieved in my life that Mr. Anderson was intown this particular Tuesday.  I called and gave him the news and we decided we didn't want Chance to suffer anymore than he had.  He had been a good dog and didn't deserve to be put through anything more just to give us a few more moments in time with him.  He most likely had the tumor for a while now and was on borrowed time.  Mr. Anderson wanted to say goodbye and so Chance and I waited for him to meet us at the vet before they uthenized Chance.  It all happened so fast.  One day he was perfect and then the next, not so much.   

Even though I spent the better part of the day sobbing all over Chancey as he struggled - he would lick my hand and lay his head on my lap.  True to his nature, in his final hours, he was trying to comfort me.  That about sums up that sweet crazy lab.  He loved us and wanted nothing more than to just be wherever we were and help us out if he could. 

He was VERY happy to see his master arrive.  Mr Anderson got Chance's tail wagging one last time.  We said our good bye's and told him what a good dog he was, then brought him home for a funeral...  The kids were all a mess, as one might imagine - they were at school when it all happend and so the news was hard to share, and hard to hear.   Adam, who is our dog whisperer didn't know if he would be able to make it school for the rest of the week.  Even Roscoe seemed to know something was up.

Mr Anderson dug the hole and the kids all got to say their goodbyes - then we lovingly placed our Chancey in the ground.  The kids decided he was such a good dog that we needed to get him a proper tomb stone.  Mr Anderson is working on it.

We have many fond family memories of Chance that will live in our hearts and bring smiles to our faces.  He was a good puppy dog and we will miss him dearly. 

Mr. Anderson's first hunting dog
Our first dog together
The first family dog for our children. 
It is hard to remember our life before him. 
It is hard to imagine life without him.
It is just hard.
I am really happy that we were able to bring him home from the vet and bury him in a special spot in our backyard.  I loved that doggie....very much!  There will ever be another Chancey.... 

There were times (mainly the first 2 years of his life) that I was not so sure about the whole chocolate lab thing and we kind of had a love hate relationship.  Well, on my part anyway - he loved me.... always.  Sure he was adorable, but boy oh boy, did that dog have SPUNK!  Over the years and through lots of tears, sweat, and training, that spunky dog found a place in our home and hearts.....he loved us, he loved food, and he loved to please us..... for food.

We had many names for our Chancey.... Chancey-pants, Shawny-C, or puppy.  He loved to go bird hunting and chase after whomever was on the quad until he could no longer run.  He loved the water and was always up for a swim.  He loved to eat - everything.  We would often catch him in the garden eating our produce - you know a dog loves food when he is eating fruit and veggies.  No matter where we were, he was always beside us.  He was family.

I imagine our Chancey-pants chasing quads up in heaven....... and eating lots of watermelon.

They say a dog is man's best friend..... he truly was.  Mr. Anderson will be sad for a long time I am afraid.... as will we all in the Anderson household.